Just like music is also in the
spaces between the notes, there is dancing in the spaces between the
steps ..... Its only when we become aware of the value of spaces between
the thoughts that we can truly reflect and revel and dance with ease
through our lives.
The pinnacle of access to our realization of
the creative entities at work would actually be in the silence , in
the intentions, in an emotional journey of profound fulfillment.
The trick is to find that point of immense creative surge and be able to nurture it .
Rest and activity go together just
as much as night and day... And like the yin and the yang , there must
be pauses in between the breathes , an inaction in between the action , which will heighten the clarity,purity and the intensity of that which is evolving .
Its disheartening that our world has become so hyperactive .
Multitasking has become the order of the day . people spend time having
dinner in front of televisions , reading is done with music, and
mobile phones calls cuts through a real conversation. So much has there
been an abuse of our bodies and mind that we truly have forgotten the
importance of non activity .. The silence between your actions or
movements are the bridge to our totally conscious experience and more
so the greater your awareness the greater the potency of the action
itself .
Dancing de-stresses the body mind and spirit holistically . Taking
a moment to value the steps you dance together , valuing the music you
are dancing to, appreciating this moment& appreciating the partner
you have in this moment will only cultivate the value for oneself and
will help in centering oneself deeper in the action with a joyful heart
and soul.
When you Dance if you still your thoughts to simply learn to flow with
the partner , the atmosphere ,the music you will undoubtedly enliven
yourself in the process and what you have is a beautiful dance of
togetherness bridging the spaces between the steps with a conscious
awareness .....
And that is when dancing feels like a miracle that's happening!
Few more thoughts in the flow....
Start the day with a few minutes of silence and observing the breath

time to pause and watch a natural scenery view and try to be one with
it . .. May be a sunrise , a sunset, a beach view watching the waves ,
the stars in the sky , the moon , the sky , or a rose or any flower or
potted plant , tree in your garden . Have moments where you are free of your cellphone , television , computer, any electronic appliances
Make a point of actually listening and understanding as others speak and allow other to speak as much as yourself .
And also accept every moment in the life you have now and cherish it for what it is ....Cultivating an attitude of gratitude :)
Savvy Raj